Katatagan Online was created by the Psychological Association of the Philippines Special Interest Groups on Mental Health & Psycho-social Support and Substance Use Prevention and Recovery in partnership with the Ateneo de Manila university. This version of the program is being hosted in the self-help portal of the USAID RenewHealth project. Katatagan Online is a self-help program designed for people who may be experiencing stress and wish to become more resilient. It focuses on honing six resilience skills:
- recognition of one’s strengths,
- managing physical symptoms of stress,
- managing negative thoughts and emotions,
- managing lifestyle and behaviors,
- problem-solving and seeking support,
- meaning making and planning for the future.
Who can take this course?
This course is offered to the general public (adults, 18 and above) who would like to hone their resilience skills. Special focus to participants with low risk of substance use as well as for college/university students and individuals in workplaces who experience stress and adversity.
- As a self-help program, you are free to go through the materials at your convenience. Should you need or want a certificate of completion for this program, all you need to do is to response to the discussion questions posted and pass the short assessments at the end of each module. When you have completed the program, you can generate your own Certificate of Completion for whatever purpose it will serve!